Ethical Principles and Foundations

Ethical Principles and Foundations

of the International Academy of Holokinetic Psychology, A.C.

and of

International Academy of Sciences (RSM) Mexico Branch, A.C.



Belonging to the International Academy of Holokinetic Psychology, A.C. (AIPH), and/or to the International Academy of Sciences (Republic of San Marino), Mexico Branch (IAS-RSM-Mexico) is not a psychological dependency, because it is not a manipulative spiritual organization, but a Scientific Academy bound only to explore and inform, to academic ends.   

If we collaborate in the AIPH or in the IAS-RSM-Mexico, we do it moved by the scientific spirit and by the necessary understanding that it is of extreme importance that the teaching of Unitary Perception, as a primordial element of Holokinetic Psychology, penetrates the culture and education as soon as possible, avoiding its mixing with trivial or fragmentary psychological messages, which are incompatible with this unique new scientific paradigm in Psychology.

For this new paradigm there has been a convergence of psychology, epistemology, philology, mathematics, neurology, psychiatry, physics, the new holographic technology, biochemistry, hermeneutics, general medicine, the present-day exegesis of the so-called sacred books, as well as sociology and history seen from various interpretative points of view, in the light of Unitary Perception. 

Another function, of no lesser importance, of the AIPH and the AIS-RSM-Mexico, is the publication of written literature about Holokinetic Psychology, as well as various forms of audiovisual study material, including also the organization of national and international congresses and the coordination of Seminars, Workshops, Courses, Masters and Doctorates at an international university level. 

Lastly, the promotion and teaching of the International Language Esperanto is also included.




1) If the “P.A.” or other Graduates intervene in businesses in which the selling takes place of arms, illegal substances, tobacco, alcoholic drinks, pornographic material, human organs, or children and/or adults of either sex, they will lose their title with immediate effect.    

2) They will maintain intact the legality, dignity and morality of themselves and of their patients. They will maintain the anonymity of their patients in their dealings with friends, family members, professionals and the general public.

3) They will not write reports, diagnoses or treatments for people who they have not seen as professionals.   

4) They can carry out publicity for their professional activity, but they should not use the publicity for their own eulogy.

5) They should not diagnose or treat patients whose problem is outside the scope of their professional competence. In those cases they should refer the patients to the psychologist or to the psychiatrist.

6) They will give only the professional services that are necessary.

7) They will firmly alert people to the growing “psychological” charlatanism and the lack of professionalism in all of its aspects and in every attempt to exploit the growing credulity and good faith of the public. They will not carry out “psychotherapies” which use a hypnotic or egocentric language (exalting profit, prestige, power and pleasure) and which take the patient from the now to drag him to the past.   In other words, in their services there will be no room for entertainment and torture in any form.

8) They will attempt to give classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, masters, doctorates, and see to the production of articles and radio or television programs to educate the general public on the subject of Unitary Perception. They will remember that the ultimate objective of education is the complete development and the peace of the individual and of society.

9) They will alert their patients to the suspension (even if it be only temporarily) of the services. If the suspension is final, they should refer the patient, if possible to another “P.A.”, of the IAS-RSM, so that the patient will not lose his life with “psychotherapies” which are a product of thought.  

10) They will alert every patient to the fact that the anonymity will be broken if the life of any person is endangered.  In the case of minors they will alert them about those cases in which they will speak to the parents or legal guardians.

11) They will respect other people, starting by always being punctual and coherent.

12) They will never repeat information that humiliates, invalidates or demonizes any human being.

13) It is unacceptable for a professional of the AIPH and/or the IAS-RSM-Mexico to promote or belong to armed groups of any kind: national, international, revolutionary, terrorist, etc. The urgently necessary individual, family and social change comes from living life in Unitary Perception. The lack of this understanding is incompatible with belonging to the IAS-RSM-Mexico or to the AIPH.

14) No “P.A.” or any other Graduate should remain inactive for more than twelve months in educational functions such as conferences, seminars, workshops, study meetings, individual or group Holokinetic Educational Therapy, or stop attending at least once International Congress of Holokinetic Psychology every three years. Violation of this subsection can result in the expeditious termination of his or her function as a P.A. within AIPH and/or IAS-RMS-Mexico.

15) If the “P.A.” or other Graduates are involved in any of the envisaged situations in the subsections 2 to 12, they will lose their title immediately. The process will be carried out without delay by the AIPH or the IAS-RSM-Mexico.


Subscribing to these agreements will be obligatory for everyone interested in taking the exams to become Associate Professors or Instructors of the AIPH and/or the IAS-RSM-Mexico; for this reason, all candidates will be asked to sign this document before taking the oral and written examinations and submit a copy of their current official ID.


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